Enterlapper Sphere

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Muppets and Showcases

I saw Vampire Weekend play at one of their first shows at The Pullout Method, a showcase that starts after 10 pm!!!! every other Friday night at Club Midway in the Village. This is the ultimate of tastelapping events!

My Easter resolution is to not miss the next one, which will host The Flying Machines and War Canoes. Oh, and they have this awesome muppet video (above) on their home page.

> The Pullout Method
> Vampire Weekend
> Club Midway a.k.a. rehab
> The Flying Machines
> War Canoes

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Pickup (1975)

I can't believe that this film doesn't even have a listing on imdb. It is SO good. Not just because there are boobs. It is really trippy, reminds me of Easy Rider. It's interesting just from the early synthesizer perspective. Then you add trippy visual sequences, bizarre plot lines, a 70's luxury mobile home, and lots of hot yet not X rated sex. It's awesome! Soooo glad I downloaded it. Yes, I'm a Tarantino fan, but you might like this "grindhouse" film even if you don't like him.

Actually, I'm a bit appalled that I haven't drummed them up on my own yet.

>The Pickup on Amazon
> Myspace page (yep!)
>Youtube clip (not embeddible, dammit) of Apollo Goddess sequence